Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Day 4


Reading books - 2:04pm

Yannick you always love to sit down with one of us to read a book. I think today was one of the first times you actually grabbed a book, climbed up on the sofa and started reading/ looking at a book by yourself (for longer than just a minute). It was nice and quiet as well with your big brother asleep. 

In the morning we had lots and lots of cuddles. I wish these will never end and that you will always be my cuddly boy.

I think you will ♥

Bath time yeah! At home - 4:39pm

Timmy you could spend hours in the bath and you would end up all wrinkly if I would let you! 

We had a great day today and you had a really long nap at lunch time. Of course you were full of beans when you woke up and stayed up until almost 9pm tonight!

Thanks for being such a good boy today ♥


  1. So sweet! Love his hair!

  2. love these... your little ones are so cute!

  3. The bath photo looks so happy!

    (Visiting from documenting delight facebook page.)
